
Walking and connecting with nature is essential for our health and wellbeing, but for too long there has been a lack of investment in the national asset that is our Public Rights of Way network.

We are losing access to our paths because of backlogs in maintenance, unlawful obstructions, and legal delays.  Across Wales, there are tens of thousands of path problems awaiting action, and the numbers keep growing. We need to act!

It is time to 'Put your foot down and make your mark' by pledging your support for our paths

We are calling on the Welsh Government to improve access to our path network through:

  • Fair funding for path maintenance and improvements, equivalent to at least 10% of Active Travel budgets.
  • Freely accessible public information about the condition of local paths to help mobilise local action.

We believe that these actions will help put walking at the heart of our communities, support efforts for a green recovery post covid and improve our green spaces. Good quality paths can make our communities healthy, attractive places to live, work, and volunteer.

Sign our pledge to support our campaign to protect and improve our path network.

The pledges will be handed over to the Welsh Government at the Senedd in the autumn as part of our campaign efforts. 

  • David M 26.07.2024 06:12
  • Julia H 16.07.2024 07:48
  • Gail N 15.07.2024 22:27
  • STEVE F 08.07.2024 16:10
  • Elissa C 08.07.2024 16:09
  • Caroline S 08.07.2024 16:07